
HSK Sähkö Oy is Hannu and Johanna Kauppi’s family business founded in Kalajoki 2004. The first year company was a one man’s business. The operation concentrated on industry, agriculture and small-scale construction. Soon became clear that there would be more work than alone can be done and we ended up employing the first worker in 2005. In 2006 Johanna began all-day work in the company after the maternity leave.
When the premises became in the home corners small, the premises were built on their present place for the Meinala’s industrial area along highway 8 in Kalajoki, 2008.
HSK Sähkö Ltd. and Andament Ltd. looked for opportunity to cooperate in maintaining street lighting, where HSK Sähkö worked as subcontracting to ELY -centre. In 2009 street lighting works transferred from Andament to HSK and at the same time HSK Sähkö became Andament’s subsidiary. Andament has changed to Andament Group Ltd. in April 2011.
2009 the operation in the office of Kempele was begun.
2010 the office of Rovaniemi was opened
We changed over to efficient and advanced automated Adminet –administration system in 2010. For years we had thought about building an electricity network, in 2010 we spread our operation to distribution networks’ planning and building.
In 2012 we had already 30 employees.
Joupet Ltd. and HSK Sähkö Ltd. looked for opportunity to cooperate in earthwork building in 2013. Outcome of the negotiations was that Joupet Ltd. became HSK Sähkö Ltd’s partnership company. The companies strength has become weatherproof electricity network which were built together about 400 km in 2014.
In summer 2012 the premises was extended by building the modern maintenance premises because the amount of transport and lifting equipment continuously grows. We also hired own service staff in the maintenance premises. The warehouse shop and utensil shop totally moved into the warehouse hall and the office space was extended when the supervisory staff increased.
In 2014 the turnover of 12,1 million euros came true and we had own staff about 60 persons. Together with Joupet we establish about 100 professional group.
Our story still continues succesfully.